Land Tending Weekend At Oz
to Mar 24

Land Tending Weekend At Oz

There’s no better time than now to tend to land. This winter, we are excited to reach our arms outward to embrace our entire 240 acres of Village Oz, in our first community land tending effort.

Join in for a weekend of ecological effort. Our hard-working hands and bodies will work to remove invasive species and poisonous plants, brush forest trail that has long been grown over, cut up fallen trees for firewood, and even start the extensive effort of building new trail. With your help, we can make this land more accessible for human exploration and admiration. 

We have a big community fridge to store your supplies for lunch and anything you want to share for the potluck dinner Saturday. We also encourage you to bring a cooler!

In exchange for your hard work, we have a few exciting plans on the table. Please note that plans are tentative and subject to change.

****If you can’t come for the whole weekend, that’s okay! Feel free to join on Saturday OR Sunday!****



Arrive anytime after 2pm. If you’re camping, follow the signs to the campsites and remember to bundle up! The moist Mendocino Coast is quite serious! If you booked a cabin (discounted rates all weekend!), we can guide you there.

Settle in and explore the land. We encourage you to visit the river and sit by its waters.

7pm- Join us for a pizza party at our straw cob oven. We will be serving up Oz Farm’s finest pizza and salad for your enjoyment.


Grab some breakfast. Our community kitchen is stocked with tea, coffee, and farm veggies.

By 9:00am, make your way to the barn patio. We will talk for a half hour about the plan for the day and take a quick tour around the property.

By 10:00am, you will be put into your groups for your activity for the day. You will be led by Dean, Eric, Amanda, or another staff member. If you have a preference for any particular work or experience, please let us know.

12pm-1:30pm - Stop for lunch and do a little meandering around the property. BYO lunch.

1:30pm-5pm - Back to some hands-on stewardship.

7pm - Join us in the barn for a potluck dinner and an ecologist talk. Bring something to contribute! Afterwards, we will throw on some barn music and dance to our heart’s content. The hot tub will be fired up for your enjoyment!


Join us for an optional Tea In The Trees in the Redwood Grove at 8am.

Our kitchens are stocked with tea, coffee, and farm veggies.

Afterwards or after your free morning, join us at the barn at 10am
We will work hard 10am-2pm before saying our goodbyes. BYO lunch for 12:00-12:30 short lunch break.

*If anyone is able and wanting to stay, we will continue to work 3pm-5pm and end Sunday evening with a closing bonfire.


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Friday Pizza Night
7:00 PM19:00

Friday Pizza Night


Our straw cob oven is fired up all summer-long for weddings, retreats, and visitors. On Friday night, September 1st, starting at 7pm, we are turning it into a locals-only celebration (or friends of locals ;)) with our whole team of staff and apprentices coming together to serve you our very best farm-fresh dinner.

We will be serving our Oz Farm Heirloom Apple Cider, a salad showcasing our freshest greens with a house-made vinaigrette , and two different vegetarian pizzas (a red-sauce and pesto base).

Besides the food and drink, we will be rocking out to local live music and amazing conversation with our friends and neighbors. The whole night helps to support our nonprofit, Village Oz, through which we donate fresh produce, educate and host farm apprentices, and work toward growing the counterculture that this special land of Oz has always embodied!

Please join us for a lovely evening!


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Redwood Coast ReConnect Retreat
to Oct 7

Redwood Coast ReConnect Retreat


Reconnect to

Self, Nature, & Community

Hosted by Melissa Newhall

We invite you to join us for this unique, 3 day intimate gathering to disconnect from the chaos, and reconnect to that which serves you.

Our supportive team is showing up to hold safe space for you to rest, play, and engage throughout the weekend.

Create your unique experience by choosing how you will spend your time.

Soak in the wood fired hot tub, or lounge by the river while you give yourself a rest.

Climb a tree, dance, or connect with your inner child as you play.

Empower yourself with tools for healing by choosing to engage in the wide variety of wisdom workshops.

Bodymind, Spirit, & Soul

Somatic Agency

Massage & Bodywork

Conscious & Connected Breathing

Spirit Tracking & Ritual

Yoga / Acro Yoga

Yoga with Thai Massage

Sound Healing

Five Elements: Meditation

Moving with Grace

Tai Chi

Rest, Play, &


Acrobatic Silks

Drum Workshop

Dance Classes

Tree Climbing with Ropes & Harness

Farm Tour / Organic Farming Techniques

Medicinal Plant Identification & Uses

Essential Oils

Herbs & Uses

Dancing Body Wisdom

Activate Inner Muse

Feel Free to


Nightlife Vibes: DJs & Live Music

Fire Ceremony / Bow Drill Presentation

Traditional Native Dance

ReConnect Handmade Market

Song Circle

Kids Activities

River Lounge / Wood Fired Hot tub

Homemade Cuisine

Local Wines, Ciders, & Beers


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Freeing your Life with Words a Workshop with Susan Wooldridge
10:00 AM10:00

Freeing your Life with Words a Workshop with Susan Wooldridge

Freeing your Life with Words a Workshop with Susan Wooldridge

 Join us at a workshop that will make you feel excited about language and self expression in both poetry and prose. Susan will first talk about her journals and her own writing process, including the "fourth genre" where categories-prose, poetry, fiction and non-fiction blend. 

     Then we’ll gather (and steal) words from a scattering of books and create a group “word pool.”

     Through play we will begin to listen within to our deepest and most mysterious voice, delving into what soul says, heart says, mind says, water says, our town says as we write about who we are, where we come from and where we’re going  Along the way we will explore imagery,  close observation,  metaphor and “dream sense." immersed in what poet Ann Waldman calls "goofy profundity." 

    We may write poem/prose invocations, asking objects to bring us qualities we need. We may use guided imagery to take us to our childhood home, become an object in the center of the house and write from within the object.  We may meet with our shadow and write our shadow’s poem, often a moving and transformational experience. We may spin out midsummer night's dream love poems to ourselves, to another, to a tree, a child, or the universe.  Inner peace, joy and freedom will be our focus.

     We’ll draw on opposites, noun/verbs, imagery and wholeness. Treasure will spiral forth from our imaginations.   

     We will welcome both laughter and tears.   Sharing work is always optional.

SUPPLIES:  Bring loose scratch paper and a pen you love.  Color pens and/or color pencils optional.    

Workshop Includes a vegetarian lunch provided by Oz Farm

Workshop with Susan Wooldridge

Lunch Included

About Susan:
Susan has a B.A. in anthropology from Barnard College and an interdisciplinary masters in art and writing from CSU Chico, Chico--where she developed a love for performance art as well as collage, printmaking and ceramics. She’s held workshops on creative language and process with thousands of adults and children, including teachers and youth-at-risk. Her book poemcrazy:  freeing your life with words was published in 1996 by Clarkson Potter/Random House, and is now in a 29th printing.  Anne Lamott writes, “This is a wonderful book—smart, wide-eyed, joyful, helpful, inspiring.  You’re going to love it, and love writing poetry more for having read it.” 

     Susan’s chapbook of poems, Bathing with Ants, was published in 2004 by Bear Star Press. Her book, Foolsgold: Making Something from Nothing (and Freeing Your Creative Process) was published  by Harmony/Random House in 2007. Both poemcrazy and Foolsgold were Quality Paperback Book selections. 

Susan is now writing a book about land and language from her hilltop office in The Bolt, a "canned ham" vintage trailer.  For many years Susan has held workshops in rural California libraries sponsored by Poets & Writers Org. and CA. Center for the Book. Susan has worked in over 80 libraries and her workshops have been featured in Poets and Writers magazine.

         Susan lives in a co-housing village in Chico, California, at the edge of Bidwell Park (or Sherwood Forest)--where Errol Flynn’s Robin Hood was filmed.  Check out Susan's website,

Comments on Susan’s workshops include:

Exhilarating, playful and profound.  Opens a tremendous creative frontier for people. --Kathlyn Hendricks, author of Conscious Loving and The Conscious Heart.


I didn’t want to say goodbye to that day. --William, SED 5th grader, Chico.


Susan doesn’t teach poetry so much as unlock it.  Her teaching itself is poetry.  –Amy Tullius, Poetry and the Piano Workshop


A day glistening with fun, profound insight, and soul-shifting poetry—that I wrote to myself.”   Layton Fisher, Hendricks Institute. 

Something inside of me peeked out.  Something I had forgotten.   Carrie Marie Tusman, Santa Barbara.

Sitting and writing poems with Susan is like taking a lid off a jar.  --Laura. Chico


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Fermentation & Preservation Retreat
to Nov 4

Fermentation & Preservation Retreat

Join Oz Farm for a weekend of fermentation and food preservation.  We’ll use Oz grown produce as we explore the art of making kimchi, sauerkraut, and sourdough.  Learn all about hard cider as we tour the heirloom orchard, Oz Farm Cider Mill, and have a cider tasting.  Participants will leave with new skills, recipes, and some of their home made creations.

Course Content Includes:

  • Hands on introduction to fermented vegetables

  • Cider Mill Tour, Cider Tasting, and Cider Making 101

  • Water Bath Canning

  • Sourdough breads

  • Fermented legumes

Course Dates & Arrival/ Departure Times:
Friday November 2nd
4-5pm Arrive
6pm All About Sourdough
7 Pizza Party

8:30-9:30am Breakfast
10am-11am Fermented Vegetables workshop
11am-12pm Water Bath Canning
12pm Lunch
2pm Espalier Orchard Tour + Cider Mill Tour
3:30pm Hard Cider 101
7pm Dinner
8:30pm Evening Event

8-9:30am Yoga
9:30-10:30am Brunch
11am-1pm Lacto-ferment Legumes
2pm Depart  

Oz Farm will provide high quality, organic, vegetarian meals throughout the weekend. Participants can choose to tent camp on the property, share a cabin, or stay in a private cabin. 

Course Cost & Enrollment:
Tent Camping (meals included): $300
Shared Cabin (meals included): $375
Private Cabin (meals included) $550

Off-site stay (meals included) $150
Single Workshop (no meals) $45
Saturday Cider Mill tour $5 2-3:30

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Calm Mind//Free Spirit
2:00 PM14:00

Calm Mind//Free Spirit

An afternoon of Yuan Qigong

Join Jay glubb for a 2 hour workshop in the Oz Farm barn. Learn and practice moving and still meditations and discuss the mind and it’s role in life.
Learn how to feel relaxed and stress free, look after your body and take time to go inward. 
Exercises can be taken at your own pace and done at your own ability. 

Price $25, no one turned away for lack of funds.

To register or for any questions contact Roya at:; 510-725-8184

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Natural Ecology of the Mendocino Coast
to Sep 9

Natural Ecology of the Mendocino Coast

Join Oz Farm for a weekend of exploring and learning about the natural ecology of Oz Farm and the Mendocino coast.  Become a naturalist as we learn about the relationship between the rugged coast and the geology of the fault line, the ecology of the Garcia river watershed, the flora and fauna of the area, conservation efforts, and the past, present, and future of the precarious and beautiful coastal redwood tree.  

Courses will be taught by:
Sara Bogart

Margaret C. Lindgren, Owner, Guide and Instructor of Unbeaten Path Tours & Yoga
Guide and Naturalist, Margaret Lindgren, specializes in private, customized Walking Tours, Business Retreats and Yoga Workshops along the Mendonoma Coast.  Margaret focuses her passions in her work as well as in her community stewardships, such as her volunteer work with the Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, her membership in the Point Arena Merchants Association as well as her active participation with the Mendocino & Sonoma County Tourism Bureaus.   In addition, Margaret is a certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor specializing in Corporate & Wellness Workshops founded on the principals of biomimicry (the imitation of the models, systems, and elements of nature as it applies to business and personal growth).  Renowned in many high profile media publications for their Point Arena Stornetta Lands and Architecture in Nature toursUnbeaten Path Tours & Yoga was recently named "Business of the Year" for 2017/2018 by the Mendocino Chamber of Commerce. 

Peter Baye
Ph.D., is a coastal ecologist and botanist specializing in conservation and management of coastal ecosystems and their vegetation, focusing on estuarine marshes, coastal lagoons and streams, beaches, and dunes. He currently works as an independent consulting coastal ecologist in California, where he works on projects featuring wetland and shoreline restoration, sea level rise adaptation, vegetation management plans, and endangered species recovery. Peter lives in the redwood belt of northwest Sonoma County near Annapolis. He previously worked for the Endangered Species Division of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Sacramento, and Regulatory Branch of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in San Francisco. 

Jim Coleman
In 2005, Jim earned a MS in Biology studying grassland restoration at Sonoma State University and since that time has been primarily focused on that work within the OAEC ecological preserve. In addition to Jim’s endeavors at OAEC, he has worked as a field ecologist for the California Native Plant Society in their efforts to help generate a vegetation and habitat map for Sonoma County. Jim works with private land owners and land managers in establishing botanical and photo monitoring protocols that help aid in the successful conservation and restoration of healthy ecosystems. He has served as field ecologist on several restoration studies and mapping efforts of the endangered California Coastal Prairie. In addition to his work in terrestrial systems, Jim has also been active in the recovery of endangered Coho Salmon by helping to restore in-stream habitat. As an interpretive naturalist, Jim also enjoys his many opportunities to teach and lead people in their own nature awareness explorations.

All meals provided by Oz Farm. 

3pm: Arrive & Settle In
7pm: Dinner
8pm: Sara Bogart Lecture

 From Captivity to Open Ocean. A slide show on the history of cetaceans and pinnipeds in captivity and the industries affecting them.  We'll discuss ocean conservation efforts and organizations like NMFS BW, NOYO, Mendocino Audubon, Mendonoma Whale and Seal and Naked Whale Research. 

8am: Breakfast
10am (Departin
g from Oz at 9:30): Margaret Lindgren
Margaret will take us on a tour of the Stornetta Unit of the California Coastal National Monument System.  On this tour we will learn about the geology, history, oceanography, flora, and fauna of the riparian corridors, extensive wetlands, meadows, sand dunes, and cypress groves.  For more information check out
12:30pm: Lunch
2pm: Jim Coleman

Jim will lead us on a tour of the native grasses and plants at Oz Farm.  We'll hike through the meadows, seasonal riparian areas, and redwood forests. 
6pm: Dinner

9:30am: Brunch
11am (Departin
g from Oz at 10:30): Peter Baye
We'll join Peter Baye on a walking tour of the of Alder Creek lagoon and estuary. 
2pm: Snack
3pm: Departure

All tours will begin at Oz Farm: 41601 Mountain View Road

*Individual Tours do not include meals
Contact with any questions

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Summer Pruning 2018
to Aug 25

Summer Pruning 2018

  • Google Calendar ICS

Summer Pruning August 20-25

Join Oz Farm for a week of summer pruning and communal living. We have a dozen spots available for any willing worker to learn the art of fruit tree pruning on our 3 acre espalier style orchard. Beginning on Monday morning at 9am we will host a summer pruning workshop from a local orchardist followed by 5 days of pruning. We will provide farm fresh lunches and dinners in our community house kitchen. Throughout the week there will be fun events to participate in including yoga, a pizza party, and live music on Saturday evening at the farm.

There is space for tent camping or shared cabin space available.

Duties & Responsibilities: 
Pruning from 9am-5pm Monday- Friday, August 20-25

Please fill out the following form to apply: 

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3rd Annual Earth Day at Oz Farm
to Apr 22

3rd Annual Earth Day at Oz Farm

Saturday, April 21

Join Oz Farm for our yearly event to celebrate our planet.   We're hosting two workshops and a farm tour on Saturday April 21 followed by a community potluck and live music.  

Come for the full event and camp under the stars! 

1:00pm Arrival
Check in and stake out your camp spot. 

2:00pm Workshop 1: Mushroom Cultivation
Explore the world of mushroom cultivation through a low-tech method for cultivating Oyster mushrooms on pasteurized straw.  Each participant will leave with an inoculated bag to bring home and grow their own mushrooms.   

3:00pm Workshop 2: Herbal Medicine
Discover the magical herbs that grow here at Oz Farm while gaining a deeper understanding of their healing properties.  Together we'll learn how to make a medicinal tincture and herbal salve that participants will take home.  

4:00pm Explore
Explore and enjoy the beauty of the 200 acre forest or relax next to the pristine garcia River. 

5:00 Farm Tour
Take a guided walk around our 6 acre farm and learn about organic cultivation with our Farm Manager.  

6:00pm Community Potluck
Bring a prepared dish to share with all of your new friends.  Don't worry, we'll provide the kale.  

7:00pm Live Music

Sunday, April 22
10:00am Yoga

Enjoy a gentle morning flow. 

12:00pm Depart
Practice land stewardship and pack it in and pack it out. 

Workshops & Camping: $50
Workshops only: $30
Potluck & Celebration: Free


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to Mar 9

Cob Workshop

Cob Workshop 

Join Oz for a five day hands-on natural building workshop.  Learn the elements of cob, slip-chip, and natural plasters while constructing walls in our barn. 

Course Content Includes:

  • Mixing & applying slip chip, cob, and natural plaster
  • Determining the mix ratios
  • Shaping walls, cob, and plaster
  • Decorative & sculptural elements of natural building
  • Pros & cons of natural building
  • Sourcing Resources
  • glass bottle design, installation, & preparation

Kirk Mobert
Kirk has been teaching Natural Building for over a decade.   He is a California native and believes in exploring the possibilities and pushing the boundaries.  He created a regenerative technology school where they use Natural Building as one tool for establishing regenerative cultures in Point Arena, CA.    

Course Dates & Arrival/ Departure Times:
The course begins on Monday, March 5th at 9am.  You can arrive Sunday evening.  The course closes on Friday at 5pm. You are welcome to stay Friday evening and leave Saturday before 1pm.  

Oz Farm will provide high quality, organic, vegetarian lunches and dinners during the 5 work days.  Participants can choose to tent camp on the property, share a cabin, or stay in a private cabin. 

Course Cost & Enrollment:
The course is available on a sliding scale:
Tent Camping (meals included): $300
Shared Cabin (meals included): $400
Private Cabin (meals included) $500

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