I’m writing to you as one of this year’s farm apprentices. My journey to Oz started with a simple question inspired by the movie, Office Space – “If I had millions of dollars and the freedom to be whoever I wanted to be, what would I do with my time?” The answer was to become a farmer. Up until that point I had done all of the things I thought I was supposed to do. I earned my Masters, landed a good job, had great friends, and bought a cute house. Yet at the end of the day I was missing the fulfillment that comes with following your true passions that give life purpose and meaning. So I gave it all up and started from scratch to do something I had absolutely no knowledge in whatsoever. And it’s been the best decision I’ve ever made. Being a farmer means being able to observe how the world works and how each piece fits and works together. I’m able to serve and connect with my community in a way I wasn’t able to before. And I’ve learned all kinds of things about the world I didn’t know before (sweet potatoes and potatoes are totally different???). The apprentice program at Oz has given me such a special opportunity to explore my interests and learn in an environment that is always learning and growing. I couldn’t be more grateful to be part of this season and to learn from the incredible geniuses who make Oz the special place it is. Thank you for supporting Oz in a way the makes the apprentice program possible. Your box was filled with lots of love and gratitude.
Our whole apprentice crew up early with smiles to start today's CSA harvest!
From left: Ellen, Cody, Katie, Natalie, Caroline