Hello and welcome to the 2021 Oz Farm CSA. We're so happy to have you all onboard for another bountiful year of harvests. Looking ahead into 2021, we're not exactly sure what the future holds, as currents of social, economic and political change course through our communities and throughout the world. The confusion and difficulties we've seen, especially in the last year, are like a lens, bringing into focus what really matters to us, what our hearts really need. We need to take good care of ourselves, feed ourselves with healthy food, healthy thoughts and attitudes, and make our best effort to care for those around us. We need to care for the earth, the Mother of us all, the ground on which all our lives depend. As humans we seem equally capable of creating paradise, where earth and plants and animals function harmoniously to support each other, and of creating something like hell. Part of our mission here is to offer a glimpse of what paradise could look like. We are a small group of people committed to caring for the land, caring for eachother, and providing something valuable to our community. For us the path to paradise is neither easy nor straightforward; there is so much negative energy to overcome, so much suffering to counter, so much ecological destruction to reverse. But nothing worthwhile was ever accomplished without serious effort, so we don't give up. And, having the support of folks like you, folks who are willing to contribute to our mission, support us financially and involve yourselves in the rhythms of our farm life, makes all the difference. I sincerely hope that this CSA box brings you and your family joy, this weekly dose of the healthiest, freshest, cleanest ingredients on earth. Perhaps the pleasure of sharing good food with people we love can remind us of the immense goodness of the human heart.
Our 2021 Oz Farm Apprentices! From left to right: Ellen, Caroline, Katie, & Cody