Chrozicle Issue #632

As the fall Equinox approaches we begin our transition into the tail end of the season. August is usually considered “burnout month” on the farm but this year with  the late rains we had everything on the farm is a little behind schedule. The apples are a few weeks late, tomatoes are finally ripening, we’re just beginning to see color on our peppers.  We are always playing nature’s game and as much as we try to impose our will on the farm, nature reminds us who is in charge. We never know what nature will bring next so we try to be like a horseback rider. “In the saddle, as long as you have good posture and a good seat, you can overcome any startling or unexpected moves your horse makes. So the idea of the saddle is having a good seat in your life.” Farming on land is a lifelong education and every year brings new lessons. Sometimes we fall off the horse completely but ideally we learn to anticipate the things that used to blindside us and take action before small problems become big problems. With so much going on at the farm this time of year it can feel like we’re constantly chasing down problem after problem without making forward progress but as long as we stay mindful in “the saddle” we’ll make it through any surprise nature throws our way. 

Although it can feel like there’s so much more to do it always is encouraging to reflect back on how much we have done already and remember that we are making progress, together, day by day, at nature’s speed, to our goals of a successful season. 


Thanks for your support!

