Nestled between the redwoods and the apple trees; I write to you as one of the many new faces here at Oz.
It seems we’ve collectively adopted this space to care for from some amazing land stewards before us, whose energy is interwoven throughout our little container.
As we live and work together, we’ve become a part of a team, that’s truly blossoming into a family.
During the day our key focus is tending to the land, seeing what she needs from us in order to continue to provide. In return we’ve been not only nurtured and provided for by the wealth of food growing out of the ground, but guided into community.
Every evening we gather around the table, sharing more than just food. Slowly cracking our hearts open and sharing our stories of who we each are and what journeys we’ve had to land us in these seats sitting across from each other.
As the seeds we’ve planted continue to grow into little energetic forms of nutrition, and we continue to share our stories and recipes, I’d like to thank those before us.
Including most (if not all) of you, who have loved and supported Oz farm way before I showed up.
Thank you,
P.s. try making hash browns out of turnips instead of potatoes.
It will not disappoint.
Rosa with the garlic harvest. Did you know each clove is a garlic seed?